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Acta cir. bras ; 35(9): e202000903, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130678


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate protective effects of dexmedetomidine, calcitriol and their combination. Methods: Forty Wistar-albino rats were divided into 4 groups; group of Sham (Group Sham); group of dexmedetomidine (Group DEX); group of calcitriol (Group CAL) and group of dexmedetomidineandcalcitriol (Group DEX-CAL). Photographic analysis was used for macroscopic analysis and perfusion analyses were evaluated by scintigraphy. Additionally, tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and total oxidant status (TOS) and total antioxidant activity (TAS) were recorded and oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated. Each flap was assessed by histopathology. Results: Compared to Group Sham, the viable flap areas were higher in all treatment groups both by photographic image analyses and perfusion analyses (p<0.05). Group DEX-CAL had the highest viable flap percentage both in scintigraphic and photographic analyses; whereas Group Sham had the lowest viable flap percentage. Similarly, TAS and MDA levels were elevated and TOS levels were declined in all treatment groups compared to Group Sham (p<0.005). Histopathological analysis at flap demarcation zone confirmed neovascularization was significantly higher and edema, necrosis and inflammation were significantly lower in all treatment groups compared to Group Sham. Conclusion: The outcomes show that additional premedication with either dexmedetomidine or calcitriol or their combination reduces ischemia-reperfusion injury of flap area and show significant increase in the percentage of viable flap tissue.

Animals , Rats , Surgical Flaps , Calcitriol/pharmacology , Reperfusion Injury , Dexmedetomidine/pharmacology , Rats, Wistar
Acta cir. bras ; 31(11): 736-743, Nov. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-827666


ABSTRACT PURPOSE: To investigate the potential protective effects of enoxaparin against the adverse events of carbon dioxide (CO2) pneumoperitoneum. METHODS: Thirty four rats were divided into three groups: Group 1 (sham) underwent insertion of Veress needle into the abdomen and 90 min of anesthesia with no gas insufflation. The animals in control and enoxaparin groups were subjected to 90 min of 14 mmHg CO2 pneumoperitoneum. Enoxaparin (100 u/kg) was administered subcutaneously to the rats in enoxaparin group one hour before the operation. After 90 min of pneumoperitoneum, the rats were allowed for reperfusion through 60 min. Blood and liver samples were obtained for biochemical and histopathological examination. RESULTS: Treatment with enoxaparin decreased the histopathological abnormalities when compared with the control group. The highest levels of oxidative stress parameters were found in control group. The use of enoxaparin decreased the levels of all oxidative stress parameters, but the difference between the control and enoxaparin groups was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Enoxaparin ameliorated the harmful effects of high pressure CO2 pneumoperitoneum on the liver.

Animals , Female , Rats , Oxygen/administration & dosage , Pneumoperitoneum, Artificial/adverse effects , Carbon Dioxide/adverse effects , Enoxaparin/therapeutic use , Liver/drug effects , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Pneumoperitoneum, Artificial/methods , Pressure , Thromboembolism/prevention & control , Carbon Dioxide/administration & dosage , Rats, Wistar , Oxidative Stress/physiology , Disease Models, Animal , Liver/pathology
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 66(5): 529-532, Sept.-Oct. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-794810


Abstract Background and objectives: Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas for humans and is still a silent killer in both developed and developing countries. The aim of this case series was to evaluate early radiological images as a predictor of subsequent neuropsychological sequelae, following carbon monoxide poisoning. Case 1: After carbon monoxide exposure, early computed tomography scans and magnetic resonance imaging findings of a 52-year-old woman showed bilateral lesions in the globus pallidus. This patient was discharged and followed for 90 days. The patient recovered without any neurological sequela. Case 2: In a 58-year-old woman exposed to carbon monoxide, computed tomography showed lesions in bilateral globus pallidus and periventricular white matter. Early magnetic resonance imaging revealed changes similar to that like in early tomography images. The patient recovered and was discharged from hospital. On the 27th day of exposure, the patient developed disorientation and memory impairment. Late magnetic resonance imaging showed diffuse hyperintensity in the cerebral white matter. Conclusion: White matter lesions which progress to demyelination and end up in neuropsychological sequelae cannot always be diagnosed by early computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in carbon monoxide poisoning.

Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: Monóxido de carbono é um gás tóxico para os seres humanos, além de ser um assassino silencioso tanto em países desenvolvidos quanto em desenvolvimento. O objetivo desta série de casos foi avaliar as imagens radiológicas iniciais como um preditivo de sequelas neuropsicológicas decorrentes de intoxicação por monóxido de carbono. Caso 1: Após exposição ao monóxido de carbono, os achados iniciais em tomografias computadorizadas e ressonâncias magnéticas de uma mulher de 52 anos mostraram lesões em globo pálido bilateralmente. A paciente recebeu alta e foi acompanhada por 90 dias. Recuperou-se sem sequelas neurológicas. Caso 2: Paciente do sexo feminino, 58 anos, exposta ao monóxido de carbono. A tomografia computadorizada mostrou lesões em globo pálido, bilateralmente, e substância branca periventricular. A ressonância magnética inicial revelou alterações semelhantes àquelas em tomografias precoces. A paciente se recuperou e recebeu alta. No 27° dia de exposição, evoluiu com desorientação e perda de memória. Ressonância magnética posterior mostrou hiperintensidade difusa da substância branca cerebral. Conclusão: As lesões da substância branca que progridem para desmielinização e resultam em sequelas neuropsicológicas nem sempre podem ser diagnosticadas em tomografias e ressonâncias iniciais em casos de intoxicação por monóxido de carbono.

Humans , Female , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/therapy , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/diagnostic imaging , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment Outcome , White Matter/diagnostic imaging , Globus Pallidus/diagnostic imaging , Middle Aged
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 64(6): 377-381, Nov-Dec/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-728869


Background and objectives: Emergence agitation is a common postanaesthetic problem in children after sevoflurane anaesthesia. We aimed to compare the effects of ketamine and midazolam administered intravenously, before the end of surgery, for prevention of emergence agitation in children who received caudal block for pain relief under sevoflurane anaesthesia. Methods: 62 American Society of Anesthesiologists patient classification status I children, aged 2–7 years, scheduled for inguinal hernia repair, circumcision or orchidopexy were enrolled to the study. Anaesthesia was induced with sevoflurane 8% in a mixture of 50% oxygen and nitrous oxide. After achieving adequate depth of anaesthesia, a laryngeal mask was placed and then caudal block was performed with 0.75 mL kg−1, 0.25% bupivacaine. At the end of the surgery, ketamine 0.25 mg kg−1, midazolam 0.03 mg kg−1 and saline were given to ketamine, midazolam and control groups, respectively. Agitation was assessed using Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium scale and postoperative pain was evaluated with modified Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale. Results and conclusions: Modified Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale scores were found higher in control group than in ketamine and midazolam groups. Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium scores were similar between groups. Modified Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale and Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium scores showed a significant decrease by time in all groups during follow-up in postanaesthesia care unit. The present study resulted in satisfactory Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium scores which are below 10 in all groups. As a conclusion, neither ketamine nor midazolam added to caudal block under sevoflurane anaesthesia did show further effect on emergence agitation. In addition, pain relief still seems to be the major factor in preventing emergence ...

Justificativa e objetivos: A incidência de agitação é um problema pós-anestésico comum em crianças após a anestesia com sevoflurano. Nosso objetivo foi comparar os efeitos de cetamina e midazolam administrados por via intravenosa, antes do término da cirurgia, para prevenir a incidência de agitação em crianças submetidas ao bloqueio caudal para alívio da dor sob anestesia com sevoflurano. Métodos: Foram inscritos no estudo 62 pacientes pediátricos, entre 2-7 anos, estado físico classificado de acordo com a Sociedade Americana de Anestesiologistas (ASA: I), programados para correção de hérnia inguinal, circuncisão ou orquidopexia. A anestesia foi induzida com sevoflurano a 8% em uma mistura de oxigênio (50%) e óxido nitroso (50%). Depois de atingir a profundidade adequada da anestesia, uma máscara laríngea foi colocada e, em seguida, o bloqueio caudal foi feito com bupivacaína a 0,25% (0,75 mL kg−1). No fim da cirurgia, cetamina (0,25 mg kg−1), midazolam (0,03 mg kg−1) e solução salina foram administrados aos grupos cetamina, midazolam e controle, respectivamente. A incidência de agitaçio foi avaliada com a escala Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium (PAED) e a dor no período pós-operatório avaliada com a escala modificada Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (mCHEOPS). Resultados e conclusões: Os escores de dor da escala modificada mCHEOPS foram maiores no grupo controle do que nos grupos cetamina e midazolam. Os escores PAED foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Os escores dessas duas escalas mostraram uma diminuição significativa do tempo em todos os grupos durante o acompanhamento em sala de recuperação pós-anestesia. O presente estudo resultou em escores satisfatórios da escala PAED, que ficaram abaixo ...

Introducción y objetivos La incidencia de agitación es un problema postanestésico frecuente en niños después de la anestesia con sevoflurano. Nuestro objetivo fue comparar los efectos de la ketamina y del midazolam administrados por vía intravenosa antes del término de la cirugía para prevenir la incidencia de agitación en niños sometidos al bloqueo caudal para alivio del dolor bajo anestesia con sevoflurano. Métodos 62 pacientes pediátricos, con edades entre 2 y 7 años, estado físico clasificado de acuerdo con la Sociedad Norteamericana de Anestesiólogos (ASA I), programados para la corrección de hernia inguinal, circuncisión o orquidopexia fueron inscritos en el estudio. La anestesia se indujo con sevoflurano al 8% en una mezcla de oxígeno al 50% y óxido nitroso al 50%. Después de alcanzar la profundidad adecuada de la anestesia, una mascarilla laríngea se colocó y enseguida el bloqueo caudal se realizó con bupivacaína al 0,25% (0,75 ml kg−1). Al final de la cirugía, la ketamina (0,25 mg kg−1), el midazolam (0,03 mg kg−1) y la solución salina fueron administrados a los grupos ketamina, midazolam y control, respectivamente. La incidencia de agitación se evaluó usando la escala Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium y el dolor en el período postoperatorio se calculó con la escala modificada Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale. Resultados y conclusiones Las puntuaciones de dolor de la escala modificada Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale fueron más elevadas en el grupo control que en los grupos ketamina y midazolam. Las puntuaciones de la Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium fueron parecidas entre los grupos. Las puntuaciones de esas 2 escalas arrojaron una reducción significativa del tiempo en todos los grupos durante el ...

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Midazolam/pharmacology , Emergence Delirium/prevention & control , Sevoflurane/administration & dosage , Anesthesia, Epidural/instrumentation , Ketamine/pharmacology , Orchiopexy/instrumentation , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery